Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Garlic and Cancer

Garlic is a potent antibiotic and inhibitor of many germs. It also has powerful anticancer properties.

In 1957, researchers at Western Reserve University had used raw garlic enzyme (alliinase) to prevent the growth of sarcoma in Swiss mice by inactivating certain chemical components of these tumor cells called sulfhydryl compounds. (13)

A remarkable study on garlic in China involved eleven patients suffering from cryptococcal meningitis, which is usually fatal. All eleven patients were successfully treated and recovered after several weeks of garlic therapy. (14) Doctors concluded that garlic is the best therapy for reduction of the transient chills, low-grade fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and pain accompanying this disease. (15)

Benjamin Lau, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of microbiology of Loma Linda School of Medicine, found that Japanese aged garlic extract significantly enhanced the fighting ability of a macrophage cell line. Macrophages are an important part of the body's immune defenses.(16).

Other research by scientists from around the world shows that garlic is one of the best weapons in the arsenal of natural drugs against cancer. Japanese researchers from Kyoto reported that Japanese Aged Garlic Extract suppressed the first stage of tumor promotion in a two-stage mouse skin cancer. (17) Scientists from the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society published a review of garlic's wonderful anti-cancer properties (18)

Other research has shown that garlic is effective in the prevention and treatment of cancers of the breast, stomach, colon, bladder, and skin.

How To Take:

You can use freshly cut cloves of garlic or garlic powder. If you prefer garlic capsules buy products that has standardized allicin content that provide 5-10 milligrams of allicin. (equivalent to 75-150 units of penicillin.) for Cancer management.


Excessive use of garlic is said to be harmful to the eyes, cause dizziness, and scatter energy. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, garlic is said to cause ascending fire energy.

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