Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bladder Cancer Treatment

Bladder cancer is more common in industrialized nations. People of European origin have a greater risk of developing bladder cancer. This disease usually occurs in aged adults, usually after 60.

Like most other cancers, bladder cancer is curable when detected at an early stage. However, the high rate of recurrence of the disease requires lifelong surveillance to reduce complications.

Bladder cancer treatment

Treatment for cancer depends on the stage of the disease. Your doctor will also consider factors such as age and overall condition of the health before selecting the treatment option. Conventional cancer therapies such as

Common Cancer Types

Bladder Cancer
Definition: Cancer that forms in tissues of the bladder (the organ that stores urine). Most bladder cancers are transitional cell carcinomas (cancer that begins in cells that normally make up the inner lining of the bladder). Other types include squamous cell carcinoma (cancer that begins in thin, flat cells) and adenocarcinoma (cancer that begins in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids). The cells that form squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma develop in the inner lining of the bladder as a result of chronic irritation and inflammation. 

Breast Cancer
Definition: Cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare. 

Cervical Cancer
Definition: Cancer that forms in tissues of the cervix (the organ connecting the uterus and vagina). It is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can

10 Tips For Breast Cancer Prevention

Throughout October, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, experts from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and its clinical care partner, the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, are offering a series of weekly research-based tip sheets regarding a variety of topics related tobreast cancer, including breast cancer prevention, screening and early detection, treatment, and survivorship.

The series launches today with "10 Tips for Breast Cancer Prevention" provided by Anne McTiernan, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Hutchinson Center's Prevention Center, a member of the Center's Public Health Sciences Division, and author of "Breast Fitness" (St. Martin's Press).

Other upcoming tip sheets will include:

Oct. 8 - "10 Tips for Breast Cancer Screening and Early Detection" by Constance Lehman, M.D., Ph.D., director of Breast Imaging and medical director of Radiology at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.

Oct. 15 - "10 Tips for Breast Cancer Patients During Treatment" by Julie Gralow, M.D., director of Breast Medical Oncology at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and co-author of "Breast Fitness" (St. Martin's Press).

Oct. 22 - "10 Tips for Breast Cancer Survivors" by Karen Syrjala, Ph.D., director of Biobehavioral Sciences and co-director of the Survivorship Program at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

The first of four tip sheets in the series follows:

10 Tips For Breast Cancer Prevention

1. Avoid becoming overweight. Obesity raises the risk of breast cancer aftermenopause, the time of life when breast cancer most often occurs. Avoid gaining weight over time, and try to maintain a body-mass index under 25 (calculators can be found online). 

Typhonium Plus - Alternative Cancer Treatment

As a natural supplement may help to combat cancer/tumor and stimulate anti body.

Typhonium Plus formula traditionally use for cancer/tumor patients to combat breast, colon, rectum, liver, prostate, leukemia, cervical cancer and lung cancer.

Cancer is not one specific disease. It is a process that can affect any organ of the body. A healthy human body consists of normal growing cells which carry out the life processes in a normal and orderly manner. A normal living cell can, for various unfortunate reasons, turn abnormal or cancerous. It multiplies in the body rapidly and excessively, forming a group of cells of uncontrollable

Holistic Cancer Cure

It`s unpredictable, it`s uncanny. It may be lurking within a body and the body wouldn`t know. Many a minor ache, quietly ignored and quickly discarded in the past, may be the begetter of that which is pernicious, lethal and detrimental to life. It shrouds itself in dubious obscurity till the time comes for it to reveal the first symptoms. All this while, the fatal cell stealthily multiplies and spreads. It disseminates its devastating influence till it aborts the very functional mechanism of the human body. Such is the effect of cancer.

Cancer is not a single disease. It is a large and complex family of malignancies that can affect virtually every organ in the body. Cancer kills one out of every four Americans, surpassed only byheart disease as the leading cause of death in this country. Over 1.2 million

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Herbal Remedies For Prostate Cancer

Over the centuries, man has gone from a simple diet consisting of meats, fruits, vegetables, and grains, to a diet that often consists of foods rich in fats, oils, and complex carbohydrates. Nutritional excess and nutritional deficiency have become problems in today's society - both contributing to several chronic diseases. Many dietary and herbal approaches attempt to balance the body's nutritional well-being. Dietary and herbal approaches may include: dietary supplements and herbal medicine.
Herbal medicine or "herbal remedies" for treatment of prostate cancer have not been studied scientifically (in a randomized clinical trial, a highly regarded approach). In particular, combination herbal remedies currently on the market should be approached with caution,

Garlic and Cancer

Garlic is a potent antibiotic and inhibitor of many germs. It also has powerful anticancer properties.

In 1957, researchers at Western Reserve University had used raw garlic enzyme (alliinase) to prevent the growth of sarcoma in Swiss mice by inactivating certain chemical components of these tumor cells called sulfhydryl compounds. (13)

A remarkable study on garlic in China involved eleven patients suffering from cryptococcal meningitis, which is usually fatal. All eleven patients were successfully treated and recovered after several weeks of garlic therapy. (14) Doctors concluded that garlic is the best therapy for

Dandelion Treatment

The humble little Dandelion has remarkable nutritional value, being very high in vitamins A and C, with more beta carotine than carrots and more potassium than broccoli or spinach, not to mention healthy doses of iron and copper for good measure. Medicinally, Dandelions are considered very safe and effective as a general tonic that helps strengthen the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, stomach, and intestines, improving bile flow and reducing inflammation in cases of hepatitis and cirrhosis. Dandelions also help to dissipate gallstones and are believed to improve kidney function, thereby improving overall health and clearing skin problems.

Dandelion tea is the perfect choice for those with the above problems or those who lead relatively sedentary lifestyles and who experience discomfort associated with this, such as

Safety of herbal medicines

Many people assume that because a product is marketed as ‘natural ‘ or ‘herbal’, this means it’s safe to use. Some herbal medicines are safe but others can have serious and dangerous side effects

Some herbal medicines may interact with treatments from your doctor, including chemotherapy,radiotherapy, biological therapy or hormonal therapy.. A review published by the American Journal of Clinical Oncology found that some common herbal remedies, such as garlic, ginkgo, echinacea, ginseng, kava and St John’s Wort, can interact with cancer treatments.

Some herbal treatments may affect the way drugs are

Using green tea safely

As green tea is a herbal product it won’t necessarily have been thoroughly tested for interactions with foods, drugs or other supplements. This means it is difficult to know for sure how safe it is. Like any other herbal product or drug, it may affect how you absorb drugs and change the way some drugs work.

Recent research has raised concerns about a possible interaction between green tea and the drugbortezomib (Velcade). Animal research has suggested that green tea may stop Velcade from working. Do remember that we'd need much more research to find out if green tea has the same effect in humans. But it is a concern. If you are on Velcade, you may want to avoid green tea and its extract EGCG, which some people take as a supplement in liquid or capsules. If you have any worries, talk it over with your cancer specialist.

There are no reports of any other harmful

Evidence about green tea and cancer

Some laboratory studies have shown that extracts from green tea can stop cancer cells from growing. Green tea contains substances called polyphenols, which scientists think give it antioxidantproperties. But while these lab results are encouraging, we need evidence from human studies to prove them.

The evidence we have at the moment from human studies is mixed. A meta-analysis published in 2006 suggested that green tea may lower the risk of breast cancer. But an earlier meta-analysis could not find any significant evidence to support a reduction in risk of breast cancer.

Other studies are also conflicting. A meta analysis in 2006 concluded there was not

Why people with cancer use herbal medicine

Herbal medicine has been used for centuries to treat many different health conditions. As with most types of complementary or alternative therapy, people may use it to help themselves feel better or feel more in control of their situation. Herbal medicine is often promoted as a natural way to help you relax and cope with anxiety, depression and other conditions such as hay fever, irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual (period) problems and skin conditions such as eczema.

Herbal medicine is one of the most commonly used complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) by people with cancer. Some studies have shown that as many as 6 out of every 10 people with cancer (60%) use herbal remedies alongside conventional cancer treatments. There are many different types of herbal medicines and some of them overlap with foods. Commonly used plants include echinacea, St John’s Wort, green tea and ginger.

Vitamin D Reduces Cancer Risk

Medical journal published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and the World Cancer Research Foundation for 8 years, according to research carried out by 10 European countries, the amino acid methionine with high amounts of vitamin B6 to reduce lung cancer by half. Study examined about 400 thousand participants, the blood of those with a high percentage of vitamin B6 and the amino acid methionine, were found to be more resistant to lung cancer.

Experts still taking vitamins alone önleyemeyeceğini smoking damage, vitamin B6 fed a high rate of healthy

Hoxsey Treatment

In the early 1900`s, Harry Hoxsey developed a herbal formula that he believed was effective for the treatment of cancer. It consisted of two remedies, one to be used externally, the other internally. The external mixture is said to be selectively destructive of cancerous tissue and consists of a red paste containing antimony trisulfide, zinc chloride, and bloodroot, and a yellow powder containing arsenic sulfide, sulfur, and talc. The internal mixture is a liquid containing licorice, red clover, burdock root, stillingia root, barberry, cascara, prickly ash bark, buckthorn bark, and potassium iodide. This mixture is considered to be cathartic and immune boosting. Hoxsey felt that his therapy normalized and balanced the body`s chemistry makeup,

Causes of Liver Cancer

There have been many patients that have ask the same question, why do i get this liver cancer even though i have been eating carefully for all my life, only eats vegetables, none fast food and most of all when i eat out side I always bring my our fork and spoon.

The answer is that those vegetables are more toxic then meat if there are non- organic. These pesticide chemicals that have been used during the planting has a very big effect on giving youliver cancer .

There are a lots of toxic that can cause liver cancer in our modern food. The toxic air pollution and modern electronic

What is cirrhosis of the liver?

Liver Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver that involves the formation of fibrous (scar) tissue associated with the destruction of the normal organ. It is the result of long-standing injury most commonly due to alcohol in excess but there are a number of other important causes too.

The destruction of the normal Liver structure and the loss of liver cells prevent the liver from functioning normally. It plays an important part in digestion of food but it also has a major role in metabolizing drugs and making proteins, storing of blood and also includes the help for blood clotting.

Cirrhosis is a serious condition. Only 30 per cent of patients with this problem will survive five years after diagnosis and the outlook is worse if the cause is alcohol and the patient continues to drink.

Essiac Treatment

Essiac (a mixture of herbs) is actually a combination of several herbs. It originally contained burdock root, the inner bark of slippery elm, sheep sorrel, and Turkish rhubarb. More recent combinations have added watercress, blessed thistle, red clover and kelp (to aid with effectiveness and improve taste). These herbs are combined to form a tea, which is then administered orally in an effort to promote health, strengthen the immune system, improve appetite, relieve pain, improve overall quality of life, and reduce the size of tumors.

While Essiac-type formulas are available at a reasonable cost in many health food stores, the brew is potentially even less expensive, since it is derived from weeds found in many backyards.

Essiac`s use is growing in both the U.S. and Canada, where it is legal, but only for terminal cancer patients.

Recurrent of Liver Cancer

Recurrent disease means that the Liver cancer has come back (recurred) after it has been operated you can stand a change. It may come back in the liver or in another part of the body. If under MASTERTOLE'S treatment usually we don't allow it to recur. The Liver Cancer herbaltreatment can reverse the body's conditions to repel the Liver Cancer cells from coming back. This liver cancer cells can be prevented by increasing your immune system by taking our immune system herbs and eliminates the toxic food.

Liver Cancer Treatment

Adult primary liver cancer is a disease in which cancer (malignant) cells start to grow in the tissues of the liver. The liver is one of the largest organs in the body, filling the upper right side of the abdomen and protected by the rib bones. The liver has many functions. It has an important role in making food into energy and also filters stores and supply blood to the heart.

People who have hepatitis B or C (viral infections of the liver) or a disease of the liver called cirrhosis are more likely than other people to get adult primary liver cancer. Primary liver cancer is different from cancer that has spread from another place in the body to the liver.

A doctor should be seen if the following symptoms appear: a hard lump

Saw Palmetto Treatment

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) is a low growing palm native to the southeastern United States, particularly Florida. The part of the plant used for medicinal purposes is the berries, which are harvested, dried, and ground for preparation as a tea or in capsules. It is often prescribed for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or as an anti-inflammatory. Interestingly, saw palmetto berries do not seem to reduce the size of an enlarged prostate, but rather relieve the symptoms associated with BPH such as frequent urination. Saw palmetto is not believed to interfere with accurate measuring of prostate specific antigen, or PSA (a marker for prostate cancer).

All of the studies show that Saw Palmetto extract is effective for both subjective and objective measurements of prostatic enlargement . Other studies show that Saw Palmetto extract selectively antagonizes 52% of the dihydrotestosterone receptors in the prostate, thus inhibiting the hormone from binding to them, and therefore minimizing its stimulation of cell growth. 

Iscador (Mistletoe Extract) Cure

Mistletoe (Viscum album L.) is a semi-parasitic plant that lives with several tree species, including oak, pine, fir, elm and apple, and has been used since ancient times to treat a variety of human ailments. Extracts of mistletoe have been shown to kill cancer cells in the laboratory and to stimulate the immune system.

Only the European species of mistletoe is used in the treatment of cancer. Mistletoe preparations are used to stimulate the immune system and to kill cancer cells. It has been reported to reduce tumor size and improve the quality of life and survival of some cancer patients. Three components of mistletoe (lectins, alkaloids and viscotoxins) may be responsible for its biologic effects.

A typical treatment course lasts several months to years with subcutaneous injections given early in the morning 3-7 times per week. The doses are gradually increased and adjusted depending on the patient`s general condition, sex, age, and type of cancer.

Mistletoe is typically given by subcutaneous injection, ideally near the site of the tumor while avoiding irradiated areas. It is sometimes injected directly into the tumor particularly on the liver, esophagus and cervix.

Mixed results have been obtained in animal studies that have investigated the ability of mistletoe extracts to slow tumor growth. There is no evidence from well-designed clinical trials that mistletoe or any of its components are effective treatments for human cancer.

Aloe Vera Treatment

Aloe vera has long been known for it medicinal properties. Traditionally, as well as today, aloe gel has been used to sooth dry or damaged skin, treat minor cuts and burns, and the latex has been used for constipation. The root is sometimes used for colic. In some parts of the world, such as India, aloe is used to treat intestinal infections. Aloe may be able to help stimulate the immune system, and may also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Studies are currently underway to explore these effects.

In just the last few years attention has focused on aloe for a different reason. Aloe has been found to contain a substance called acemannan. This has shown potential as a treatment for AIDS and cancer. In a number of studies, acemannan has had both immunostimulatory and directly antiviral properties. It is non-toxic even when injected at high doses, causing "no significant signs of intoxication and no deaths."